You're welcome at Shoreline
What to expect
In total, a Shoreline Calvary service is about 60 minutes in length. We ring a ship's bell to start our service. We start by greeting each other and getting announcements. You can go to NEXT STEPS to follow along and get more information about everything that was presented. We worship God through music. You can sit, stand, or lift your hands as you like; please don't distract others. During our 2nd service, Kids are dismissed to their classes now.
Before the sermon we have a time of Missions prayer and pray to God as a community. Please pray loud enough for all to hear and short enough so that everyone has the opportunity to pray. Following corporate prayer, we proceed to a time of engaging Bible teaching delivered by a skilled pastor or special guest speaker. (Currently, our verse-by-verse study is teaching through Matthew.) We share communion every week and end our time together with additional songs.
Our 8:30 am service and livestream includes ASL (American Sign Language) translation.
Some things to know...
Coffee and Connect happens between the 2 services. It's a time to get caught up with your church family. Get something to drink and maybe a treat or snack. You can get a cup of coffee or tea in the courtyard outside the Sanctuary. It's a great place to meet Shoreliners and get information about our church. Beverages are ok in the sanctuary.
What about kids?
We prioritize making sure children have an enjoyable time at church every week. At Shoreline Kids, we make this a priority. The other thing we make a priority is your children’s safety.
Shoreline Kids meet during the 10:30 am service.
We look forward to seeing our Shoreline Kids. They are such a beautiful part of the body of Christ.
Have a Middle Schooler? Our 6-8th graders are meeting during the 10:30 am service. It's a time of games, prayer and Bible study.